Training materials for 2021 census field officers and trainers

Training of field officers for the 2021 Population and Housing Census is set to come off soon given the Ghana Statistical Service has released shortlisted officers.

There would be a virtual training of Regional Trainers on 7th May, a face-to-face training of District Data Quality Management Teams (DDQMT) and a face-to-face training of Regional Trainers on 26th May. Training of field officers would come off after the regional trainers complete their training.

I have provided below training materials for the 2021 census. These materials are for educational purposes only.

Credit: Ghana Statistical Service and all respective authors.

  1. 2021 PHC Questionnaire
  2. 2021 PHC field officers manual
  3. 2021 PHC trainer’s guide
  4. 2021 PHC CAPI Navigation and features
  5. 2021 PHC completing the front pages of the questionnaire
  6. 2021 PHC completing the listing form part 2
  7. 2021 PHC completing the listing form part 3
  8. 2021 PHC Use of questionnaires
  9. 2021 PHC Household Roster and Orphanhood
  10. 2021 PHC Emigration
  11. 2021 PHC Socio Demographic Characteristics
  12. 2021 PHC Literacy and Education
  13. 2021 PHC Economic Activity (P13a – P13g)
  14. 2021 PHC PHC Economic Activity (P14)
  15. 2021 PHC Economic Activity (P15 – P15a)
  16. 2021 PHC Economic Activity (P16 – P17)
  17. 2021 PHC Completing P14 – P15a using CAPI
  18. 2021 PHC Difficulties in performing activities
  19. 2021 PHC ICT
  20. 2021 PHC fertility and child survival
  21. 2021 PHC Mortality
  22. PHC conduct, role and responsibilities of field officers
  23. 2021 PHC Housing conditions
  24. 2021 PHC Completing PHC 1B using CAPI
  25. 2021 PHC Completing PHC 1C using CAPI
  26. 2021 PHC Completing PHC 1D using CAPI
  27. 2021 PHC Syncing and Application modes
  28. Reviewing and Syncing using CAPI
  29. PHC Re-interviewing during listing and enumeration
  30. PHC Data Quality Monitoring and Clearance
  31. 2021 PHC Use of Census Maps
  32. 2021 PHC Leadership of the Field Supervisor
  33. 2021 PHC Team Formation
  34. 2021 PHC Presentation skills
  35. PHC Presentation on field operations strategy
  36. Community and Household Entry Guidelines
  37. PHC Achieving complete coverage
  38. PHC Tablet Basics
  39. PHC CAPI Application menu
  40. PHC CAPI SA and EA assignment

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