CPD points on the online NTC Teacher Portal: Explained

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points system has been introduced on the National Teaching Council (NTC) Teacher Portal Ghana (TPG). The points system is only visible on activated accounts, thus only teachers who have received their licensure numbers. When you log in to your acticated account, you will see the points you are to obtain to progress to the next rank.

Why is CPD important?

CPD refers to activities teachers engage in to enhance or develop their knowledge and skills in the teaching profession. NTC has certified agencies and bodies to equip teachers with the requisite skills. Once a teacher completes a training program on the portal, the stipulated points for that particular program are awarded.

The license of every teacher shall be renewed every two (2) years. To retain the license, an individual
teacher must earn the stipulated minimum credit points of the current rank within two (2) years prior to
license renewal date.

Every teacher should have at least 34% of the PD points per year. Teachers at levels where the academic calendar operates for three terms (Trimester) shall have minimum of three supply driven trainings per term making a total of Nine (9) trainings per year and twenty seven per the 3-year PD cycle. Also, teachers at the levels where academic calendar
operates for two terms (Semester basis) shall have a minimum of Six (6) supply driven PDs for a
semester, making a total of Twelve (12) per year and 36 per the 3-year PD cycle.

Teachers are advised to continue to participate in PD programmes after earning the minimum credit
points. This will help them to be abreast of current trends in education and also have comparative
advantage over colleagues should it come to selection for Ghana Teacher Prize award and any other
selection processes where PD points can be used as a determiner.

Variables for calculating PD points

  1. Mandatory courses: These award the teacher with 5 point each and 3 must be selected per PD cycle (3 years; 1yr for NQT
  2. Rank based courses: These must be completed in PD cycle of 3years for regular teachers.
  3. Recommended activities: These are activities to be taken by a teacher in 3-year cycle.
  4. SBI, CBI and DBI: These are in-service trainings at the school, cluster and district levels. They award one(1) point to the teacher.

It is important to note that the PD points system is not here to replace upgrading of teachers via completing education programmes at the universities leading to the award of a post graduate diploma or degree. As a matter of fact, completing an education program leading to the award of a degree will credit the teacher with 20 points.

Other activities leading to the award of points include but not limited to the following:

  1. Preparation of Scheme of work (Scheme of Learning) for a year.
  2. Participating in a special event relevant to teacher’s role.
  3. Using lessons learnt from seminars to improve teaching and learning.
  4. Participating in research project as a team member.
  5. Attendance of a peofessional conference or seminar.
  6. Facilitating a school based professional development workshop.
  7. Writing of reports such as school report and workshop report.
  8. Attending and completing short courses
  9. Participating in marking of scripts for a national or international body.
  10. Writing of proposals to support school administration.
  11. Publication in peer-reviewed journal, contributing to a book chapter or publishing a book or working as an editor of a published book accepted by subject-based association or NaCCA.
  12. Innnovation in teaching published in peer reviewed journal approved by relevant body established by NTC

How to register for training programs on the NTC portal

  1. Login to your TPG account by entering your email or mobile number and your password.
  2. On your dashboard, click on training programs.
  3. Browse through the available programs to see the points to be awarded for each program. Click on the points to see details of the program.
  4. Be sure to check the attendance limit, participation fee where applicable, venue and target audience for the program.
  5. Once you are set, click register and complete the form.

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