Basic 7–9 Curriculum Revised, Stop Using Draft Zero Versions

The current school curriculum has been reviewed in response to the national priority of shifting the structure and content of the educational system from merely passing examinations to building character, nurturing values, and raising literate, confident, and engaged citizens. The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) released draft zero versions of the Common Core … Read more

Basic 7-9 Scheme of Learning

This page will be updated with the 2023 scheme of learning for B7-9. Be sure to save this page by bookmarking it to visit regularly for updated content. B7 Term 1-3 Schemes B7 PE TSOL B7 CAD TSOL B7 Computing TSOL B7 English TSOL B7 GH Lang TSOL B7 Math TSOL B7 RME TSOL B7 … Read more