Ghanaians are slowly forgetting the worth of teachers

Did you know October 5 was World Teachers Day? May be you did or may be you didn’t. But the fact that such a significant day in the lives of every teacher globally went unnoticed by the citizenry is an indication that people are slowly forgetting about the significance of teachers. “A nation that does … Read more

GES Municipal Director Lauds Somanya Methodist JHS and Literacy Ambassadors Ghana for Organizing A Reading Festival.

GES Municipal Director of Yilo Krobo has lauded Somanya Methodist JHS and Literacy Ambassadors Ghana for organising a reading festival. The festival which was celebrated on Monday, 31st May, 2021 was attended by very high profile personalities and dignitaries in the municipality and from the Eastern Region at large. It was organized by the school … Read more

Opinion: Dreads, Grades and Rights

The issue of these Rastafarian kids becoming negative influence on their mates in school is neither here nor there. If precedent is anything to go by, the kids were coming from the basic school.These basic schools, either public or private also have rules and regulations, just like Achimota school, which is equally under the management … Read more

A call up to Teachers; An open letter to my union

Before becoming a professional teacher, I was in the wilderness for many years.Yes, in the “wilderness” because it was indeed my moments of wandering. I worked in factories in the industrial enclave of the capital city of Ghana, Accra. Something I knew I was not destined to do. However, I dare say the experiences garnered … Read more